Yoga Awards India
21st of june 2018

Yoga Awards 2018
Jorge Bidondo received the Yoga Sammana Award 2018.
The Yoga Awards is probably the highest honor to be awarded in the field of yoga worldwide. Its prizes are awarded annually by yogic, television and governmental organizations of India. It pays homage to the great Yoga masters who have opened our yogic horizons.
Within the rich cultural heritage of humanity we can highlight this science called "Yoga". This treasure remained alive and still accessible in India, only by the tireless efforts of great teachers, traditions and yoga schools.
Many of their names and efforts were passed unnoticed or unrecognized. Today their contributions have paid off and all over the world, we celebrate "the international day of yoga" beyond any social or religious cultural barrier.
The Yoga Awards includes the "Yoga Sammana" award given for their contributions in the field of Yoga and "Yoga Ratna" awarded for excellence in Yoga. The "Yoga Awards" recognition takes place every year as part of the International Day of Yoga that is celebrated on June 21st. The award ceremony takes place in the city of Bengaluru, South India, that is, on June 20. The winners receive a statuette and several other prizes, this is transmitted through a television network throughout India and social networks around the world.
The recognition "Yoga Awards" has been held since the UN declared on June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. So far, venerated yoga teachers and spiritual leaders have received the award for their effort and contribution in the field of Yoga.

- The Gurukula

Congratiolations Guruji for receiving the Yoga Sammana Award 2018

A life of realizations

I am very grateful and surprised by this recognition that the government of Karnataka India, TV9 and the Olympic Association of Karnataka has given me in association with the Shwaasa Truss spiritual organization. I feel very honored. I think that this act is very important to help spread the great transmission work that many teachers carry out around the world. I accept this gesture with great affection because I understand that what is being recognized is the work of my Guru, the tradition, my parents, my family, my disciples and the students. You who are reading this at this moment and the divinity that is manifested in all of us, is the true actor of everything.
Thank you very much.

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Congratulations from
the institutions

The Ayur Yoga Vital International School is pleased to inform that our director Jorge Bidondo whose spiritual name and title is "His Holiness Shri Dev Hansa Nath Maharaj" has been summoned as guest of honor to the celebrations of International Yoga Day in India and nominated for the "Yoga Awards India 2018" awards in the category "Sammana Yoga" for his contribution to the science of Yoga. We express our congratulations and we hope that this great recognition will serve so that its teachings reach more people and continue guiding us towards a state of greater fulfillment.

The Federation of Yoga of the Argentine Republic, FYRA, is pleased to congratulate the teacher Jorge Bidondo, Yogacharia Shri Dev Hansa Nath Maharaj, for the recognition granted by the Yoga Awards India 2018, in the condition of Yoga Sammana. It is the first time that an Argentine Master receives such an important distinction. Among the contributions of this Argentine Yogi, is the creation of the only recognized Yóguico Argentino system "Ayur Yoga Vital", which for years has been developing successfully from our country to the world.

From the Board of Directors and collaborators of the Practical Wisdom Foundation, we congratulate Master Jorge Bidondo for the International Recognition of "Sammana Yoga" that will be granted in India in the framework of International Yoga Day 2018. Maestro Bidondo or Shri Dev Hansa Nath is a real teacher of Traditional Yoga, a Darshani, a Guru. He promotes and collaborates with his example in all our activities, in favor of human development. Since the creation of our institution has been our inspiration. The foundation carries out multiple projects in individual improvement post and society in general, such as the development of a traditional Ashram (place for yogic practices) according to ancestral norms, the construction of the temple of consciousness in the mountains of Córdoba, promote education in the rational use of natural resources in the individual and nature throughout the country, programs for the prevention of addictions in children and adolescents, programs for the balanced development of female and male consciousness, among others.

From the Panamerican Association of Yoga (APY) institution that serves as a link between the different American schools of yoga, we want to congratulate and show our sincere Respect towards the master Shree Yogi Dev Hansa Nathji Maharaj, better known here in the West as Jorge Bidondo, creator of Ayur Yoga Vital (system with focus on the therapeutic), of Uccara Yoga, Ayur Yoga Diksha and Jyotish Ayur Yoga, who has been nominated for the award: "Yoga Adwars" India 2018, which takes place every year as part of the International Yoga Day in India. This prize, probably, is the highest honor awarded in the field of yoga worldwide.

Asociación Civil Red Internacional de Maestros de Reiki RIMR
From the International Network of Reiki Masters. RIMR ® In recognition and deep gratitude to an important member of our Network, for their hard work in promoting the awakening of the conscience and the health of the Being. We want to congratulate the renowned Master Jorge Bidondo, Shri Dev Hansa Nath. For its impeccable transmission of the teachings to carry out the path of Yoga with such genuineness, respect and clarity. We celebrate this deserved recognition that has been granted to him in India, as a guest and crowned; in the celebrations of the "Yoga Awards India 2018" as "Sammana Yoga." Such recognition commits us even more to this path, honoring their foreknowledge in our lives and valuing their example, on behalf of all the members that are part of the Network. International Network of Reiki Masters, inspires and favors all practitioners and seekers in the way of the realization and purpose of human existence, with all the necessary means, Reiki being a path of self healing, self-knowledge of the Self as the supreme goal of life and light on the planet.

Union Internacional de Docente de Yoga Vital
For the UIDYV Master His Holiness Shri Dev Hansa Nath Maharaj is a constant source of inspiration for all teachers in the world. His persistent work of transmitting the teachings is a blessing for every true seeker. We congratulate our Master, it is a great honor to receive this deserved recognition from his peers in India, for his contribution to the science of Yoga. We hope that he will continue to contribute his Light to the teachings and that he will continue to be a guide of excellence for humanity. May the vital Ayur Yoga as a viable path for the present become immortal through the achievements of its practitioners.

Unión Cordobesa de Yoga
The Cordoban Union of Yoga - Civil Association congratulates Jorge Bidondo "His Holiness Shri Dev Hansa Nath Maharaj", for the international nomination received in the "Yoga Awards India 2018", in the condition of "Sammana Yoga". It is an honor to have, among the Cordoban yogic community, a figure of such high renown and international recognition among his peers, who with tireless strength and personal example disseminates the science and practice of Yoga, not only throughout the country but also also transcending all geographical borders.